Wanted Items
FOOD ITEMS: Stables and healthy non-perishable food items of all categories: School healthy snacks, Canned tuna and fish, Whole grain rice, White rice, Grains (e.g. quinoa), Canned beans, canned vegetables and fruits, Milk—soy, rice, & canned, healthy Cereal, Pasta, Fruit juice boxes, Baby food and formula, Tea and coffee, Dried fruit and nuts, packaged soups, healthy crackers and snacks. *NO GLASS CONTAINERS please.
NON-FOOD ITEMS: Personal hygiene items, especially in small packaging that can be shared with multiple families, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, bars of soap, laundry pods, and female hygiene pads are in great demand. Household cleaning items (ex. soap pods for laundry, cleaning spray, paper towels).
Unwanted Items
Glass containers
Perishable food
Past sell-by date
Bulk foods and Unlabeled items